XI Spanish Geological Meeting (2024)


The XI Geological Congress of Spain will be held the first week of July 2024 at the Ávila Congress and Exhibition Center, Lienzo Norte, and will be organized by the Geological Society of Spain and C.N. Geological and Mining Institute of Spain IGME – CSIC.

It will be a meeting point for SGE members and other Geology professionals and will be held in person. In addition to the ordinary sessions and symposiums, this congress will include the annual meeting of AEQUA (Spanish Association for the Study of the Quaternary) and we will strengthen ties with our sister geological societies of France (SGF) and Portugal (SGP) and the Spanish Society of Mineralogy (SEM).

The congress will coincide with the 175th anniversary of the creation of the Commission for the Geological Map of Madrid and the General Map of the Kingdom, origin of the current IGME, a special occasion for all geologists in Spain.

The official languages will be Spanish and English.