The GeoERA Information Platform Project (GIP-P) was established with the aim of setting up an information system to support the other GeoERA projects (GSPs) in organising, standardising, disseminating and safeguarding their results (background data, digital maps, geological models, reports, etc).
Instead of each GeoERA project creating their systems to display maps using web-GIS, creating databases, etc., the GIP-P did that in a standardised way thereby delivering achievements and results from GeoERA in a much more cost effective, standardised and sustainable way.
The GIP-P had 3 purposes:

  1. Supporting the GSPs in reaching their specific goals,
  2. Ensuring that the results from the whole GeoERA programme will be more accessible and standardised across GSPs and thereby supporting the overall aim of GeoERA to deliver solutions to cross-thematic issues and
  3. Ensuring sustainability and accessibility of the digital results from GeoERA in the long term.

The technical platform for the GIP-P was chosen to be the already existing EGDI. During the GIP-P the EGDI was substantially further developed in three main areas:

  1. Increasing the data content of the platform. It now contains geospatial data for the 14 GeoERA projects in addition to 23 other projects. The total number of map layers has been increased by more than 500,
  2. Extending the capabilities of the EGDI with a 3D geological database and visualisation, a project vocabulary based on Linked Data technology, a document repository and related search system, a general search system connected to all parts of EGDI, an upload system, and an eLearning module with user guides, etc. and
  3. Extending the functionality of the web-GIS, metadata system, central database, harvesting systems and other elements of EGDI.

The GIP-P had strong focus on mapping the requirements of the GSPs to ensure that all these were fully described and understood by the developers. That was an iterative process where feedback from the developers were used to adjust the requested capabilities from the GSPs. A workpackage was dedicated to this and also to define which technical extensions were needed to the EGDI in order to fulfil the needs of the GSPs.

Project facts:

Project duration: 1 July 2018 – 31 October 2021.
Project Lead: Jørgen Tulstrup, Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS).
Project page on GeoERA website:

GIS-viewer for all GeoERA results:

Open map in a new tab.